Happy Saturday and welcome to Post-Cruise Day 1! Today is actually my 100th post birthday! Yay!!!

Catching up?

Nothing too much to add to today’s post other than that Evan and I are still in Sarasota! I’m spending lots of time with my two dogs, Cole and Chester:

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Aww…I love them! So adorable and sweet 🙂

Have a great Saturday!


Today’s guest post comes from fellow blogger and runner Sarah from Sarah is Healthy. She wrote a great introduction to her journey to health for you all to read. She also recently became a vegan which is doubly awesome! Make sure you check out her blog and leave her some bloggie lovin’!

Hi Everybody!  My name is Sarah and I am fairly new to the blogging world.  I just started a blog called Sarah Is Healthy.  I have struggled with my weight since high school and am still struggling to find a balance.  I had horrible eating habits and didn’t workout in high school – I was as lazy as they come!  I wore a juniors size 12 prom dress to my Senior prom and weighed about 150lbs when I graduated high school in 2000.  I went off to college that fall and between being introduced to the gym and working out, walking everywhere, and eating healthier at a salad bar, I managed to drop down to 123-125lbs and a healthy size 4!  I maintained that weight throughout my 4 years of college despite the stress, drinking, and some unhealthy eats – amazing!  I wore a size 6 (my dress size is bigger then my pants size) gown to my Senior Gala in 2004.  I swore I would never gain my weight back.  It is now 5 years later, and over the years in the working world I have slowly gained the weight back.  I have had some lows and I hit my high in January which is when I started my blog.  You can see my pictorial journey post college graduation here.  I’ve always loved taking pictures of food.  In a trip to Belgium in 2006, my mom’s sister’s family took tons of pictures of food – I think I get it from them!  Food blogging seemed right up my alley because I also love taking pictures in general 🙂  And what better way to stay accountable then to take pictures of food? That being said, its been 7 weeks since I first started blogging and I am down 6lbs.  FANTASTIC!  Slow but steady wins the race!  I love how incredibly supportive the food blogging community has been.

For me personally, my progress depends on the food I eat.  I can workout until the cows come home, but if I’m eating crappy, no progress will be made.  I’m so happy that I was introduced to the gym when I first arrived at colllege…that is a habit that has stuck with me and I go to the gym 5-6days a week and have been for years now!  On my blog I discuss my workouts and different cardio methods.  Losing weight is really 80% food choices, 20% workouts.  Ever hear the saying “abs are made in the kitchen”?  Its true!  Maybe someday I will see some resemblance of abs again!

I am currently training for a 10 mile run April 5 so I’m really excited about that!  Never thought I’d call myself a “runner”!  I also recently went VEGAN!  I am not super super strict, so I guess I am more like 90% vegan.  I allow 2 servings of fish per week to allow for eating out in restaurants that aren’t very vegan friendly and also for family functions.  I also am not going to freak out if I eat some rice in a restaurant made with chicken stock or butter.  I went vegan for health reasons – specifically to make my stomach/digestive tract feel better.  My stomach feels 100% better!  Come check out my blog and follow me on my journey to a fitter, healthier me!